Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One day Liturgical Seminar

Prot. No. 5.120/2012                                                                              from Sagar, June 15, 2012
To all Fathers and Superiors of Religious Communities
In the Eparchy of Sagar

Re. One day Liturgical Seminar

Dear Fathers and Sisters,

            I am pleased to inform you that a seminar on the Syro Malabar Liturgy has been planned for the benefit of all Fathers, Brothers and Sisters of our diocese. The seminar will be held in the Sagar Pastoral Centre on Friday 3rd August from 8.30am till 6.30pm. While the attendance is obligatory for all the Fathers, religious communities may send one delegate each to participate in the seminar. The resource person of the seminar is Rev. Dr. Pauly Maniyattu, Secretary of the Liturgical Commission of the Syro Malabar Synod.

            The scope of the seminar is to enlighten all the Fathers and Religious men and women of the diocese regarding Syro Malabar liturgy and through them all the lay faithful. It also aims to bring about uniformity, as far as possible, in all matters of worship within the diocese of Sagar. For this purpose a new Mass booklet is being published for use in the diocese and the new booklets will be given out on the 3rd of August. Those who present the old booklets will be given equal number of new booklets free of charge. Others will have to pay. The new Mass booklets are for the use of both priests and the faithful. It will come into use on 15th August 2012. From that date the old Mass booklets should not be used anywhere in the diocese.

            For the convenience of arranging accommodation for the women religious participants, it will be appreciated if they will kindly inform the Pastoral Centre about their time of arrival and departure.

            With prayerful good wishes, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Mar Anthony Chirayath
Bishop of Sagar

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